There’s a lot house-buying advice out there, but it feels like most of that advice is based off of people’s gut instincts. As a gutless individual, I’d rather just stick with numbers. Numbers should make things simpler, right?
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Suburban Dictionary
Can we teach GPT2 internet slang? Do we want to?
I invent new words and phrases on a frequent basis (e.g wungus, tingerling, little bibble). I don’t know what any of these words mean, but they sound like they should mean something. Can AI help us solve this problem? Probably not, but we might as well try.
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AMMP - Automatic Modeling of Machining Process
Automatic CNC feed / speed selection for the masses
Last year, I was fortunate enough to join the Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT as a Masters student. The CBA deals with an assortment of cool topics; the niche I chose to dive into was personal fabrication.
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Mini CNC Control Cabinet
An exercise in wiring frustration
I recently saved a tiny Sherline 5040 mill from my school’s dumpster. What better way to make it CNC-capable than with an equally tiny control cabinet?
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Banana Hackathon
A banana thriller in three acts
As is tradition, my friends and I attended MakeMIT (a hardware hackathon) for the 4th time. The theme of the night was… bananas.
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