Every college student with a mechanical engineering degree builds a robotic bartender at some point in time. They’re usually made out of peristaltic pumps and MDF, controlled by an Arduino, and fall apart after one usage. If they don’t fall apart, they get left uncleaned and become a habitat for...
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Chocolate 3D Printer
A pretty sweet printer.
ABS is stronger than PLA. Nylon is stronger than ABS. Fiber-reinforced nylon is stronger than nylon. Chocolate is superior to all of these.
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Remember the claw from Toy Story?
There’s this great scene in Toy Story 1 where a giant claw machine picks up Buzz lightyear.
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Spice Rack
Kitchen Tyranny
Our dorm’s kitchen is nominally disgusting. This is to be expected when 30 students are forced to use the same kitchen.
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Automatic Face Tracking Vortex Cannon
Kids these days...
I had to disassemble this machine due to a lack of space, so I took a few minutes to record it in action.
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